Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Reaching out to whom?

So the new Minister of Labour is going to be meeting with the NSBA in Saskatoon on Friday, Dec 21st.

It is so ironic that Rob Norris would find the time to meet with the NSBA and yet have no time to meet with the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour's Executive last week in Regina.

As Federation President, Larry Hubich points out;

"The SFL invited Rob Norris, the New Minister, to attend our SFL Executive Council meeting at any time convenient to him on either Wednesday or Thursday last week. (December 12th or 13th). He was invited by letter, by telephone, and by a personal invitation from me. I extended the personal invitation to him when he and I met on December 6.

We even invited him to join us for our Christmas luncheon on the 13th. He declined.

So, he declines to take 20 or 30 minutes out of his schedule to meet with the executive of the organization in this province that represents close to 100,000 citizens whose constitutional and charter rights will be affected by potential changes to "labour law". Yet he is prepared to be the Luncheon speaker for the NSBA (North Saskatoon Business Association).

So much for "reaching out to labour".

(On an additional point, The Premier was down the hall in the same hotel on the 12th attending lunch at a seminar where Washington, D.C.-based energy consultant, Paul Michael Wihbey, president of Global Water and Energy Strategy Team (GWEST) was speaking about exploiting Saskatchewan's oil and gas.)"

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