Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Brad Wall fails Saskatchewan

Premier Wall has consistantly said that his Government will get more for Saskatchewna than Calvert's did:

“If we are successful we will have done more than any equalization can do […] We need to get specific results for Saskatchewan and that’s my job…”
-Brad Wall, Star Phoenix, January 13, 2008

“Where Mr. Calvert has failed we believe we can be successful.”
-Brad Wall, Star Phoenix, October 12, 2007

Well Mr. Wall, unless I missed something yesterday, I think you were a little off the mark!!

Lorne Calvert also thinks you missed it a tad...

“Brad Wall told the people of this province that his friendly relationship with the Harper Government would mean results for Saskatchewan,” Calvert said. “Since the election, we’ve heard little from Wall on the file. We saw him weakening his stance on equalization and holding a secret meeting with his Conservative friends, which turned into a photo op.”

Calvert noted that while a trust fund for clean coal is a positive development it is a far cry from the $800 million dollars a year, or better, in additional investments and supports that Brad Wall promised to fight for.

“My question for Wall is where is the $800 million worth of roads, bridges and extra programming above what other provinces are getting on a per capita basis that you said you would get for the people of Saskatchewan?” Calvert asked. “Brad Wall said success would be Saskatchewan receiving more than it would under a fair equalization deal. It is clear, by his own definition, that he has failed.

“Brad Wall said he gave up the equalization fight because he could catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, but after this budget it’s voters that are left with the sour taste in their mouths.”

1 comment:

leftdog said...

Absolutely! Hitting the nail dead on the head with this post!! Thanks for those Wall quotes, I am going to save them for future use!