Friday, January 11, 2008

Feedback vs Consultation - Norris needs a dictionary

The Saskatchewan Party government is inviting groups to provide feedback on proposed labour legislation in private meetings, but won't opt for public hearings through the legislature's committee system.

"This process is going to be best for us and the stakeholders to ensure that we get their message very clearly," said Advanced Education, Employment and Labour Minister Rob Norris.

Letters of invitation are in the process of going out, and "feedback sessions" will be happening soon with representatives from labour, business and others.

When Brad Wall and Rob Norris were out on the hustings, they were constantly pushing how they wanted to open and transparent when they took government. When this government tabled Bills 5 and 6, Essential Service and amendments to the existing Trade Union Act, they again stated that they wanted to "consult" with the stakeholders.

The definition of feedback is as follows:

...a reaction or response to a particular process or activity: He got very little feedback from his speech.
.....evaluate information derived from such a reaction or response: to study the feedback from an audience survey

The definition of consult is: seek advice or information from; ask guidance from: Consult your lawyer before signing the contract. refer to for information: Consult your dictionary for the spelling of the word. have regard for (a person's interest, convenience, etc.) in making plans.
4.Obsolete. to meditate, plan, or contrive.
–verb (used without object) consider or deliberate; take counsel; confer (usually fol. by with): He consulted with his doctor. give professional or expert advice; serve as consultant.

There is a huge difference Mr Norris and if you and your co-horts really wish to know what the stakeholders thoughts, ideas and feedback is, then you should do what is required and hold open, public consultations with all the stakeholders.

When is this government, albeit new, going to stop hiding behind committees and actually go out and speak to the people of Saskatchewan that it was elected to represent?

When you actually take the time to read both Bill 5 and Bill 6, you will see that they allow for absolutely NO debate on legislation or changes to the Regulations. Any changes can be made by Order in Council which first, are not debatable within the Legislative Chamber and second, have no recourse to change them after.

This is not open consultation with stakeholders, this is not garnering feedback from the those involved, this in not open and transparent government, what is it is a dictatorship where you will do what Brad Wall says, shut up and take it. Rather like the Harper mentality Federally.

Watch this post carefully over the next little while and I will go over section by section of both will see exactly what they mean and how the actions of Wall, Norris and the Sask Party are no where near being open and transparent or consultative.

It is no wonder that people like Larry Hubich and the Labour Leaders are concerned. They actually understand what the Bills mean and what this type of legislation means to Saskatchewan Workers, whether organized or not....

Stay tuned..this is going to make you sick!!!


HankR said...

Why should Hubich be consulted. He's already made up his mind...

Case closed.

Larry Hubich said...

The Supreme Court of Canada confirms why organizations representing workers must be consulted when governments propose to introduce legislation that will impact on workers' Charter Rights.

Case closed indeed!