Thursday, December 20, 2007

just when you thought it was safe to be unionized

So yesterday Brad Wall and his obedient little Labour Minister introduced two bills; Bill 5 -Public Service Essential Services Act and Bill 6 - The Trade Union Amendment Act

Touting that these two Bills, essential services legislation -- a first for the province -- coupled with amendments to the existing Trade Union Act will make labour rules "fair and balanced", Brad Wall and Rob Norris have lobbied the first volley towards Organized Labour in Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan Federation of Labour President Larry Hubich said his cursory first look at bills left him feeling that it is the "worst legislation for workers in the country" and blasted the government for failing to consult with any of those who will be impacted.

"(The legislation) isn't competitive by any stretch of the imagination. It is the bottom of the barrel," Hubich said.

What is really interesting is that there was absolutely no consultation with Labour over these changes. One would think that you would consult with stakeholders BEFORE putting legislation forward, not put it forward then go ask "how was it for you?"

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) loves the idea of the changes.

A Saskatchewan representative with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Marilyn Braun-Pollon, was among those in the business community who cheered the changes, particularly in respect to the Trade Union Act.

"The scales have been tipped for far too long in favour of unions," she said.

So the CFIB thinks that as a unionized worker, I have had too many luxuries. My 40 hour week is bad, my right to a fair collective agreement is unjust, and my rights to organize or to strike is unbalanced with their agenda. It would also mean that my right to a living wage is unfair.

The CFIB needs to understand one thing, my UNION fought for my safety at work. my weekends, my wages and my benefits. Wages which allow me to buy housing, cars, clothes as well as shop at businesses in Saskatoon. Some of whom are members of the CFIB.

So if I get this right, the CFIB, NSBA and CTF think I make too much money and am spoiled, yet they have no problem with me spending my income at their businesses?

Braun-Pollen and her puppet, Brad Wall, forgot one other right that I will always maintain, with or without a Union...the right to decide where I spend my money!!!

With Christmas here and the potential for me, my family and friends to spend our BAD Union money in stores throughout Saskatoon, you can count on one thing....if you are a member of the CFIB, then obviously my money is no good at your business, don't be upset if I spend it where it is appreciated!!!!


Larry Hubich said...
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Larry Hubich said...

Check this link for some insight into the proposed changes: